American Society of Addiciton Medicine


National Advocacy


We support policies that foster innovative approaches to addiction medicine research and development, treatment delivery, and protection of community health.


Boost Adoption of Evidence-Based Psychosocial Treatments


ASAM advocates for policies that encourage the uptake of evidence-based psychosocial treatments to improve the lives of people living with addiction. This includes: 

  • Contingency management (CM), an intervention in which a patient is given a reward to reinforce positive behaviors associated with addiction treatment or participation. Extensive research shows that CM is the most effective treatment option for stimulant use disorders and represents the current standard of care. 
    • ASAM successfully advocated for an increase in the previous $75 ‘cap’ in certain federal grant programs on incentives per patient per budget year, an amount that is not supported by research and may render CM interventions ineffective. In January 2025, ASAM applauded SAMHSA’s decision to increase the cap to $750.  
  • Adopting integrated delivery care models, such as the Primary Care Behavioral Health Model and Collaborative Care Model, which allow for coordinated care between primary care and behavioral health professionals.  
    • ASAM has called for the passage of the COMPLETE Care Act which would encourage adoption of integrated delivery care models by providing technical assistance to practices and temporarily increasing reimbursement rates for integrated care codes. Ultimately, this would make behavioral health more accessible to people living with addiction.  




Champion Smart Drug Policy Reforms



ASAM advocates for policies to prevent the use of tobacco products and expand access to treatments for tobacco use disorder. This includes maintaining tobacco fees and eliminating flavored cigars. 






To reduce harms associated with drinking alcohol and alcohol use disorder (AUD), ASAM supports an increase in the federal alcohol excise tax, which has been left untouched since 1991.  






ASAM supports the decriminalization of cannabis possession for personal use, alongside appropriate regulations and oversight to protect public health. Additionally, ASAM supports rescheduling marijuana with lower THC concentrations to Schedule III, with some stipulations, and maintains that higher potency marijuana should remain in Schedule I in the absence of Congressional action. 



Support Integration of Useful Technologies in Addiction Care


ASAM supports the use of technology to increase access to addiction treatment, including investments to expand the use and sharing of electronic health records (EHRs), the development of digital health technologies, the use of remote patient monitoring, and regulatory guardrails to protect patient privacy and the patient-clinician relationship. ASAM also calls for policies that refocus prescription drug monitoring programs (PDMPs) to serve public health.

As part of this effort, in 2024 ASAM welcomed a final rule promoting partial alignment between 42 CFR Part 2 and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) while maintaining critical privacy protections.



Advance Addiction Medicine Research & Development


An unpredictable and ever-changing illicit drug market has made it clear that more tools are needed to combat the overdose crisis and address the prevalence of addiction involving opioids or other substance use. Unfortunately, there has been a concerning lack of research and development within the addiction space when compared to other chronic medical conditions.  

However, early research has revealed the possible potential of GLP-1s in treating addiction, among other compelling findings in the broader field that may alter the course of future care delivery and lead to new medications and treatment modalities.  

To that end, ASAM supports select policies that encourage and incentivize research and development efforts to create effective new treatment options for patients in need.  




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