American Society of Addiciton Medicine
Mar 19, 2025 Reporting from Rockville, MD
TNSAM Supports Legislation Allowing Initiation of MOUD by Telehealth
Mar 19, 2025

TNSAM Supports Legislation Allowing Initiation of MOUD by Telehealth.Substring(0, maxlength)

American Society of Addictin Medicine


TNSAM Supports Legislation Allowing Initiation of MOUD by Telehealth

On March 18, the Tennessee Society of Addiction Medicine (TNSAM) sent a letter of support for HB1049/SB1208 to members of the Senate Commerce and Labor Committee. HB1049/SB1208 would allow state licensed telehealth clinicians to establish a patient relationship via telehealth for the treatment of opioid use disorder (OUD) with buprenorphine products.

In the letter, TNSAM explained how telehealth has been a valuable tool to increase access to evidence-based treatment for OUD in Tennessee. Specifically, TNSAM noted how greater telehealth integration into addiction care has helped reach individuals in rural and underserved areas. Further, TNSAM cited survey evidence indicating that telehealth in addiction treatment results in better access and convenience for patients. Additionally, data suggests that expansion of telehealth within addiction medicine was done safely and helped increase treatment retention. In turn, TNSAM praised HB1049/SB1208 as a positive step to expand access to lifesaving care and help address the overdose epidemic in Tennessee.

Read the letter here.