American Society of Addiciton Medicine
Feb 3, 2024 Reporting from Rockville, MD
ASAM Signs Onto Letter To Senators Requesting Language Be Omitted That Prohibits NIDA Funding Harm Reduction Research in Appropriations Bill
Feb 3, 2024

ASAM Signs Onto Letter To Senators Requesting Language Be Omitted That Prohibits NIDA Funding Harm Reduction Research in Appropriations Bill.Substring(0, maxlength)

American Society of Addictin Medicine


ASAM Signs Onto Letter To Senators Requesting Language Be Omitted That Prohibits NIDA Funding Harm Reduction Research in Appropriations Bill

ASAM sent a letter to Senators Tammy Baldwin and Shelley Moore Capito with several other organizations, advocating the Senators oppose the addition of any language that would prohibit the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) from funding any research related to harm reduction in the Statement of Managers accompanying the Conference Agreement on the Fiscal 2024 Labor, Health and Human Services, Education and Related Agencies Appropriations bill. NIDA Director Dr. Nora Volkow explained that "[g]etting people into treatment for substance use disorders is critical, but first, people need to survive to have that choice."

Read the letter here.